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The HIF1 application hearing is now imminent and likely to be heard on 26 & 27 June

Published: 14 June 2023

The HIF1 application hearing is now imminent and likely to be heard on 26 & 27 June:
– WE are seeking RIGHT TO ASK QUESTIONS at the hearing
– WE WILL NEED SUPPORTERS TO ATTEND protest – maybe both days
– WE NEED 2 or 3 speakers from affected noise impacted areas to say how HIF1 will impact their quality of life and enjoyment of their home and garden
– WE need to retain a planning consultant TO SPEAK & SUPPORT US
SUPPORT THE HIF1 PROTEST, 26 & 27 June, County Hall, OX11ND

(1) Email: – title: Objection to Planning Application R3.0138/21

(2) Sign petition: 

(3) Email if you can join – or speak at – the Planning Meeting on 26 & 27th June

(4) Email to support noise assessment

Recent developments 
1 The Secretary of State has written to advise that he has called an enquiry into the Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) and Side Road Orders.  This is good news and another opportunity to present our case. We await details but a Planning Inspector will be appointed to rule on whether there is a compelling case and that the CPOs are justified.
This process is separate to the Planning Application which can proceed and await the outcome of the inspectors findings.
2. Appleford Parish Council continues to lead opposition to HIF and submitted on behalf of NPC-JC a comprehensive objection to the REG 25 2nd Consultation.  Download here.
3. A recent OCC planning report (April 2023 (1)) confirmed the severe, permanent, and unmitigated noise damage HIF1 will have on Appleford homes closest to the route. Although the report attempted to play down the impact, if HIF1 is granted planning permission on the 27th June, OCC will knowingly & deliberately sacrifice Appleford homes to achieve an HGV and trunk road between the A34 and (eventually) the M40.

OCC consultants have refused to investigate the particular, ongoing noise problems in Appleford (existing main line railway & sidings), let alone the cumulative effect of adding HIFI traffic noise on top of this. The proposed road flyover design over Appleford sidings will likely reflect and amplify rail noise back towards homes in Main Road. OCC propose a 3 metre high road noise barrier along the parapet of the flyover. Will this also reflect rail noise back towards homes? None of this has been analysed. With all the trees cut down to build the road, this barrier at 11m above the gardens of adjacent homes, will become a dominant view. If you wish to object to this injustice, write to the planning officer now (2), sign the FoE petition (3)and attend the 26/27th June protest outside County Hall (4).

An Appleford proposal hopes to measure existing noise levels. If the construction of the HIF1 road diminishes the future value of your home, as a result of noise, vibration or fumes, baseline and subsequent noise measurements will be required to pursue compensation claims (5).

The Parish Council is working with other Parishes and groups to object at the Planning Hearing scheduled for 26 June & 27 June in County Hall (OX1 1ND)
Time for action is now – we need your support!


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